Relaxing the grippe, gradually

by David Benjamin PARIS — As long as I’m here, I’m using this city as a barometer of America’s recovery from a long and lingering malaise. In the expurgation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, France is slightly behind the United States, while both countries— every country — remain vulnerable to a discouraging relapse. The difference favoring…

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And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson

And here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson By David Benjamin “He drained his coffee, stubbed out his cigarette, flung down some coins…” — Robert Goddard, The Ways of the World PARIS — Wait a minute! Twice, in Robert Goddard’s novel, The Ways of the World, the protagonist, James Maxted, blithely tosses “some coins” onto his table…

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What do you see on the insides of your eyelids?

What do you see on the insides of your eyelids? By David Benjamin PARIS — Perhaps the most felicitous happenstance in my return here last week was an encounter with Dr. Patrick Keeffe, Ph.D., MBOE, LSMFT, who told me over frog legs at a sprawling brasserie near the Gare du Nord, about his groundbreaking research…

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“A vast symphony in stone”

“A vast symphony in stone” By David Benjamin “Someday, the fire of 2019 may fade into the history of Notre-Dame. It may take many years to repair the damage. But the great cathedral will reinvent itself…” —Michael Kimmelman, New York Times MADISON, Wis. — Much of the breathtaking majesty of Notre Dame de Paris derives…

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Gregor Samsa for president?

Gregor Samsa for president? by David Benjamin “… Gregor was a member of the family, despite his present unfortunate and repulsive shape, and ought not to be treated as an enemy… on the contrary, family duty required the suppression of disgust and the exercise of patience…” — Franz Kafka, Metamorphosis PARIS — Based on the…

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First came the Romans

First came the Romans by David Benjamin “I like Chinese,/ They only come up to your knees./ Yet they’re wise, and they’re witty, and they’re ready to please…” — Monty Python PARIS — First, after the war, it was the Americans. Flush and cocky, they invaded, brandishing their “Europe on Five Dollars a Day” manuals,…

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Rules for well-fed romantics

Rules for well-fed romantics by David Benjamin “Paris is a place where, for me, just walking down a street that I’ve never been down before is like going to a movie or something. Just wandering the city is entertainment.” — Wes Anderson PARIS — Lisa, who’s much younger than I and naturally contrarian, leans toward…

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Slobs abroad

Slobs abroad by David Benjamin “There ought to be a law prohibiting over three Americans going anywhere abroad together.” — Will Rogers PARIS — Tourists, tourists, tourists! You’re everywhere, and you’re underfoot. You bump into me, you bump into each other. What in God’s name are you eating? Why are you eating on the street? People…

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The tortured trees and scary waiters of blvd. St. Germain

The tortured trees and scary waiters of blvd. St. Germain by David Benjamin PARIS — The Ville de Paris is destroying the evidence. For decades on the boulevard St. Germain, its plucky trees would welcome the spring by putting out new shoots, slender green tendrils reaching hopefully toward the fickle sun. And then, in the…

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A philosophic interlude at Le Fumoir

A philosophic interlude at Le Fumoir by David Benjamin “Homer tells us also that Sisyphus had put Death in chains.” — Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus PARIS — Something about this joint gets me to over-thinking. Maybe it’s the art on the walls. My favorite is a painting of two gauzy and anorexic art-deco…

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